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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Check …
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So impressive watching you jump into 1v1 vs. people like iSharrieff considering how much they grind 1s in general and are up there on the ranked leaderboards.
hey leth, i love the way you explain things while playing it really helps alot but (if you see this) do you think you could try to leave gameplay uncut? i just wanna see how you go about each play and there were some spots that got cut out that left me confused
It's okay leth I only started playing last season and I'm diamond now
11:34 "How do people do that?"
Oh Leth, my sweet summer SSL.
You should 1v1 pro in a different game then 1v1 him in rocket league.
It's chicken from the 3s match! Was a bit hesitant being the lowest ranked player on the field. Just got the ssl title for the first time! gg Leth keep up the great content 👍
I've never been much of a 1s player anyway, but after my placement matches this season I said I'd never play 1s again. People are trying to hit me more than the ball, even when it doesn't make any sense. The skill disparity is also a huge issue, I'm C1 but I feel like I could be playing against a low diamond or a high GC.
Ngl it really hurts when someone fakes a flip reset
Would you say you enjoy 1v1s more than, less than or equally as much as you did back in your prime 1v1 time?
I love how pro players always tell people "mech are not important to rank up" and while saying that they are triple flip resetting into a pinch
Thank you for another banger!💯🦾🦾✅
Yeah the E in Mertzy stands for Europe and the A in martzy stands for America
Leth you need to watch apparantlyJack, he is #1 on leaderboard in 1s and there is always structure and consistency even at that level in 1s. He adapts really well to his opponents and always wins. He is actually really far ahead on the leaderboard for 1s
Leth you need to watch apparantlyJack, he is #1 on leaderboard in 1s and there is always structure and consistency even at that level in 1s. He adapts really well to his opponents and always wins. He is actually really far ahead on the leaderboard for 1s
So I think tournament mmr is a different thing from your casual and ranked MMR, I did my first 2v2 tournament a week ago and my tracker had me at 600mmr with everyone else 1300+. I have 4k game hours total and never tried a 2v2 tourny so I was surprised to see what my proposed mmr was and that I was going against players just slightly below my actual mmr at the time
Anyone know why there are these little 2-3 second skips throughout the video? Many kickoffs missing, and random moments just skipped ahead. I feel like the immersion is lost and don't know what value is gained by skipping two seconds of a kickoff.
Example, at 4:00 the game clock skips from "2:39" to "2:37". This happens many times throughout the video.
I’m one div away from champ in 3s solo que if you just play position and don’t miss you can make it to champ or so carrying if you’ve got decent game sense. A lot of over commits
im so conflicted with how i should play in different game modes because flakes makes it look so easy
Probably not going to see this comment Mr Leth but I would love to see some eye tracking videos. Would be A.) educational and B.) very interesting.
Would love to see timestamps of types of games when you queue all game modes. Great vid as always keep it up!
To clarify the tourney titles from my experience. I started at F2P, didn’t understand the game and how tourneys work especially since s1 was bugged af. Got the green s2 gold tourney title but now I’m sitting at c3, I’m sure if I played more I’d be better since the people I play customs with are all on collegiate/regional teams. That being said with mmr manipulation on a new account it’s easy to get those lower titles even on current accounts, if you switch your default platform from epic to steam or console to epic it’s resets your internal mmr, at which point you can ff 1v1 casuals leading to more favorable ranked matches while you gain more mmr than normal (200-300 per win)
"fake him in the air" and then just hand it to him anyway lol
So what is the secret?
Thank you YouTube search engine, I searched up how to be better at rocket learhmyr
The guy with the Sliver tourney title is/was a Smurf. Those guys are everywhere. Anytime I see a guy with bronze tourney winner I just assume it’s a high lvl player. Game is lousy with the Smurfs.
Leth: 1v1s are mostly random at high levels.
ApparentlyJack: Hold my burger…
I know I might be one in a sea of comments but could u, by any chance, do a video like once a month or smth like that with input overlay on? Really think u are a god and want to learn by watching your content, wich is made easier that way
What happpened to dingo
If Sharrieff didn't go into the military he would have been the Best 1 v 1 player from 2019 to 2020.
Man I just started playing RL and I’m primarily an fps gamer, I could really use some help learning this game lol I’m so bad 😂