Von SpookLuke

41 Gedanken zu „The SECRET To Controlling The Ball“
  1. Is not really the part of the car what matters (except for the wheels), is about angular momentum the moment of inertia.

    It is easier for the ball to rotate your car on hit if its trajectory is perpendicular to the long axis of the car, and far from the center of the car. If the car rotates your car on hit, part of its momebtum is transfered to that rotation, resulting in a softer hit.

    So the part of the car should not matter (again, except for the wheels). If you want a soft touch, let the ball rotate your car or rotate it yourself with airroll in the direction of the ball.

    That said, if you flip, the higher speed is going to be the furthest point from the center of your car, so in that case the corner gets you the hardest hit.

    I think the channel Rocket Science has some videos about this

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