Heute starte ich ein neues ernstes Projekt namens The Road to Champion, bei dem ich und meine beiden Freunde zusammen spielen und …
© Artikelquelle

E-Sport - Games - New Games - Best Games
Heute starte ich ein neues ernstes Projekt namens The Road to Champion, bei dem ich und meine beiden Freunde zusammen spielen und …
© Artikelquelle
Can you please turn off the camera shaking? its 100x more smoother and looks just better try it out pls
hay bro love the vidz and keep up the good work cant wait to watch the rest of the videos and hope you have an amazing day
hey do a good job, subscribe to my channel and I will subscribe to you and I
You are noob I am 49lvl and I am bester Then you.
I don't think I realized at the time that we were playing the creator of the game haha.
Randomly looked up the first video you made of us playing together. Hope you're doing well!!