Von SpookLuke

36 Gedanken zu „The REAL Reason Your Game Sense SUCKS | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. I agree, but bad habits will get you out of a rank in most cases. If i play like a gc in diamond and lose i’m never going to get to gc, but to go up a rank you need to evolve your gameplay each time which is why people complain so much about being hard stuck.

  2. What smart ass stupid talk is this.. "stuff that works in plat and champ don't work in GC" Duh ! That's why they plat and not diamond – Diamond not champ – champ not GC.. with every rank things change coz speed and mechanics change.. and stuff that would work in GC won't work in plat ! Like passing – air dribble plays – rotation as it's bad until Champ ranks.. or at least they happen more.

  3. I feel very comfortable knowing that I'm dogshit at this game but mimicking better players won't get you better. It will make you think you are doing the right thing, when most of the time you span it the whole wrong direction. You gotta know how to combat the better people usually in a fashion they haven't seen before therefore making you unpredictable.

    I definitely do not have that skill in this game but the rule applies across many industries, sports, games, sciences etc.. innovation is key whether you take some hits until you can figure something new out. Having a "good habit" prevents innovation as you spend the rest of the time only drilling things you know can work but will only get you so far.

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