Von SpookLuke

22 Gedanken zu „The PROBLEM With All CHAMP Players | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. I see a ton of comments in other shorts of his that are "man this guy just gets really easy opponent's" or "I wish I had his opponents" and it's completely wrong to say that. He can just read the play very well and can be in the right position at the right time so every mistake made is a play for him. To a player of the same rank, such mistakes might not be read and the chance to score would be lost. Spook is just better than all of them so all of them look bad since his positioning is so good.

    Just had to get this out there because I feel like a lot of people don't understand why he wins games so easily from his perspective and you can't rank up.

  2. I need help yall.
    First thing is my teammates over commit a lot. I know I know I should stay back than, but what happens is the opponents get the ball and since they are actually good they 2v1 me and score every time.

  3. Like bro idk what it is with NA players but EU players are mostly way better. I say that because you give tipps for how to get out of a specific rank, where the players you play with are not as good as most of the EU players. In my opinion the champs in this video would be diamond in EU. So it doesnt really help if youre playing on EU servers

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