Von RiceCup

44 Gedanken zu „The OP New Grandmaster Rewards – Zuk Helm Achievements“
  1. You're insane man. This lvl of ironman is a dream. I took a break from raids to get bofa on my gim. So far the team has about 1600 cgs with only one enhanced. Hard to stay motivated with how dry we have been..I'm thinking some combat achievements might be how I break up the grind but never at this level.

  2. 27:50 yeah and i hate achievements in general. It's just some kid in a cubicle, who barely played the game, come up with things he never did on the game. Or just straight out mind numbing things like "kill monster 5000 times" like champion scrolls. And for what? Compared to quests or achievement diaries, in relation to the difficulty of combat tasks, not even the easy ones are worth it. And many of the "easy ones" are things that you'd find on hard tier diary. WTF. And it's often stuff like "kill x monster once" in the same tier as "kill x monster while standing on your head 10 times" so it's redundant crap that auto-get achieved once you got the harder one done.

    And temperos and wintertod are *****NOT*** combat achievements. If you get zero combat xp, if your combat stats do not matter at all, then how the fuck is it "combat"? A level 3 can get these "combat" achievements. They're just minigames for skills like fishing, firemaking, woodcutting etc. It's like putting a combat achievement on motherload mine.

  3. @ricecup is it possible to do "perfect het" then fail ahka many times and retry it till you do it, so after that will you get perfection of het or you need to do perfect puzzle + ahka in one run without deaths?

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