Von SpookLuke

47 Gedanken zu „The ONLY Way To BEAT Smurfs In Rocket League“
  1. plus people are whiny and think everyone is a smurf.
    thats why they ff after getting scored on once or twice. thats also why they lose by tilting their teammates with toxicity.
    i wonder why i have NEVER encountered someone i would call SMURF. except in 1v1 Casael where they were freestylers styling on me like i wasnt even there (im C1)
    other than that , no smurfs.

  2. You should have a positive approach with everything in life not just Rocket League. Didn't need a short to realise that. The Smurf comment is irrelevant. The biggest coaching programme in Rocket League must have a better tip than this???

  3. why don't you put me on your team you want to talk about all this knowledge so then make a example I'll show you how bad a Smurf can be especially in the lower ranks where you are not usually are at

  4. I think you’re absolutely right but smurfs are a big problem in Rocket League. You can’t win against someone who’s way better than you with just your mentality.
    We lose and we win but some will grow and some will tilt!
    – ☮️ –

  5. Or if you play a Smurf just use it as a tool to improve and look for what mistakes your making that they are taking advantage of. Don’t play to win play to learn.

  6. how can you play better when you just got a new account and gotta start all over again cuz now i gotta play with the worst players and i cant adapt to the ass play stile so that means that im also playing like shit

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