Von SpookLuke

29 Gedanken zu „The Only Video You Need To Rank Up Below DIAMOND | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. You can get to champ with basics. I got to C1 by just being an anchor on defense basically. Your teammates are almost always ball chasing, don't chase with them. Once you get to champ your teammates get less retarded though, still retarded… just less.

  2. A lot of people like to practice the basics one or two times but end up getting distracted with flashier/more advanced things. A lot of people don’t realize that you always have to focus on getting better at the basics throughout your rl career

  3. I try not to double commit in plat but when I’m going for something and they’re hot there they end up bumping me out of the way and then it’s a open net for the other team

  4. What about getting out of silver? I'm sitting between like s2-s3 and at least half of the games seem to be carried by that one person who plays clearly above this rank in terms of skill level. Is the way out to just…get lucky and have those carrying people on my team enough times in a row?

    In tournament I actually am gold and in silver 1v1s I either get people who barely know how to move their car or people from platinum+ who shouldn't even be in silver

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