25 Gedanken zu „The ONLY Keybinding Guide You NEED For TBC! – World of Warcraft“
  1. first off, nice video. Second, get a Naga mouse or some MMO mouse with Thumb buttons, and you got a game changer right there. Third, don't sleep on the not even mentioned ctrl+shift mod, and with this I mean, if you hold down ctrl AND shift you have yet a new mod. personally I use this so I can rebind mousewheel up and down, shif mouswheel up and down etc, while giving camera zoom in and out to the ctr+shift mod instead. Yeah, it's a true art to get down and gritty with ze key binds ^^

  2. I love how un relevant it is since ive been playing as a Clicker for 15 years. And still reach 2200 rating. Cools tips. But for me eh it just how my brain is wired im good at microing all the buttons

  3. Can you do one just for rogue please! I'm not on par with average player and would be nice for a slower breakdown. I want to get better but a lot of people target those that have been doing pvp and good keybinds for a long time.

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