Von SpookLuke

25 Gedanken zu „The Most OVERLOOKED Mechanic in Rocket League…“
  1. The only problem players have is being shit teammates, you dont have to constantly chase the ball, you dont have to hit every ball, just because the ball is near you, doesnt mean you hit it. Read the play, see the bigger picture, then make your move accordingly

  2. as a retired c3 player, (quit altogether, but never really hardstuck, just moved on to different games). I never really felt like my shooting was holding me back. Although, I did used to dabble in map packs for air rolling, shooting, air dribbles, etc every day before playing, usually for an hour or so or more.

    I always felt like what was keeping me from GC was consistency in air dribbles, ceiling shots, and all of those other high mechanic level plays, even though I ranked up alongside a player that only practiced that kind of stuff, I never really felt like it had much use in theh real games, until i couldn't do it.

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