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Nerf Hpriests.
When hunter can use druids as pets?
What i like the most as hunt is to sac my teammate as you said in video but then get insta swap on by rmp ^^
Watching these videos makes me want to not play PvP. There's so much random bullshit to remember. (It doesn't help that I'm playing MW this season)
Hi, Im that Hunter from movie – narrator is completly right on CDs – what is missing here: this is lfg game w/o any communication and I Was not sure about healing from priest (this is why i put healing on myself and had not even changed macros party sac as for me 3×3 Was way to farm vault on my alt:). Im happy you are able to learn from it as if you play serious sac on combust is game changed (not if you give it on 10% of your team mate hp). Ggs!
"OP defensive toolkit." YEAH RIGHT.
Ok! guides and tips and tricks and bla bla's for a patch that's a complete joke, an abomination a major disgrace and the biggest circus there has even been in wow PvP.
the then
so basically just use defensives correctly
@skillcapped is it possible to do a mm hunter guid?
Does Roar of Sacrifice turn any critical hit into a non-critical hit, or does it immune you to the attack completely?
This CD-by-CD analysis and how it affects future goes is A+. This would be a great video to have for non-hunters as well!
Should I be BM or MS?
so in that ww case, they mostly stun before brew, and 99% of the time my pet IS on that stun, am i doing something wrong lol?
I understand how other classes abilities work so much better when they are explained like this just a few at a time. I remember the names from trying to read up myself, but there was just too much stuff. Couldn't learn anything. Now I know why hunters can be that hard to kill. Thanks )
Feign death with Craven has to be nerfed.
just spam aimed shot honestly
One of your "low rated hunters", Wolfariana at 6:30, is Gladiator this expansion lmao. Is there any sort of quality control Skillcapped uses when making these videos? Stuff like this literally deters me from using your services.
What gets most people killed from what I've seen is just poor positional play and getting too much tunnelvision. It works for a while just bursting like that and getting the occasional oneshots but you won't grow. You can so often save cds even by just being in a better position
Im so sick, I guessed it was a video about hunters even before i clicked the video!! đ
Feign camo rez pet
I need the same type of video for enhancement shaman:), I absolutely love the class, there are not alot of arena related videos out there, if im wrong please let me know
You should do offensive strategy guides then follow up with a defensive guide right after. A nice defensive surv hunter guide would be great!
A guide on opener for each class spec would be so awesome! Like if I'm playing hunter this is my general opener and here is my opener with my top 3 comps against the top 3 comps. That would killer! Please do!
Cross cc guide would be awesome! No need to show every scenario just the best set up would be nice
@skillcapped where is the hunter mm guide!!
how can I make my aspect of the cheetah look like that rainbow? đź
What add-on's are you using?!?!? I NEEEED
feign death lego got nerfed take this vid down its all garb now
How did you even know if the mage had combustion up? I didn't anything on the screen saying that. I'm guessing its a given as they will front load?
Is there a way to get the strings to this UI and WA? from @1:24