Also ja, ein eingehendes Video erinnerte mich an die Bedeutung von Rollen, die wahrscheinlich die am wenigsten geschätzte Mechanik in der frühen Phase sind …
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Also ja, ein eingehendes Video erinnerte mich an die Bedeutung von Rollen, die wahrscheinlich die am wenigsten geschätzte Mechanik in der frühen Phase sind …
© Artikelquelle
I've found that roll can help with aerials as well. Not that I'm good with them, but I started to learn how to aerial backwards and found that hitting the ball backwards I've got a bit more control on my shot.
When I do a normal aerial I tend to either hit with my front wheels and get a soft easy to stop shot or I hit to high off the hood. Whereas if I'm backwards (upside down) the shot that would have gone off my wheels is now off my hood and has more power. Hope that makes sense. If you're bored and got nothing better to do, you can check out my video of my first time training backwards…
I use roll exclusively for righting myself after going wheels up, so I can hit the ground running, and for half flips.
I have no idea how to incorporate it into shots and when I try I just flail around, getting nowhere near the ball.