Von SpookLuke

39 Gedanken zu „The HARD TRUTH About Your Rank“
  1. I dropped from c1 to d1. At first i was upset, bc i do miss having c1 tm8s in 2s. But there are good diamonds and thats unrelated. Point is i feel like ive improved a ton going back to d1. Im hitting more powerful shots. Still miss but better at defense etc

  2. Listen to this crap… only thing that happen with rank was down… i was c3 for so many seasons and now with this hard reset in c2… (plus it takes waaay more then a few months to go up in rank)

  3. I’ve been C2 for the longest time. Reccently, I’ve been having fun in the LTMs, which I really needed to have fun in Rocket League. Sometimes we need to not worry about our rank and just relax.
    After your break, work on what you need improving and then you play ranked. Be patient in ranking up, let it happen when it happens

  4. I went from almost gc back to plat.
    I was a broken man and i wanted to throw but then… Outta nowhere i started getting actual good passes pinches and aerials. Then "wait a f*cking minute, my rotation and defense is fire!".

  5. It's kinda easy getting to Supersonic in the Middle East, my cousin got there pretty easily and he still claims he doesn't know how to play well…

    Whenever I see him he is playing Rocket League Ranked except for when he eats and he still gets straight A+s…

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