Shorts Die GOLDENE REGEL für die Positionierung | ROCKET LEAGUE Tritt unserem Discord bei!
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Shorts Die GOLDENE REGEL für die Positionierung | ROCKET LEAGUE Tritt unserem Discord bei!
© Artikelquelle
Thx so much u help so much on my rocket league jorney
Been using a lot of your advice recently and managed to get C2 this season, hopefully C3 next season !
This is where learning shadow defense becomes critical!
Instrumental name?
Gc1 and i didn’t know or even think about this. Will definitely start using this in my games
if only I could like send this to my future randoms on twos
It really depends on how fast you are moving honestly
What is that decal called please
Hey bro I’m new to yt, trynna get my name out there, iv watched so many of your videos to see how to improve gameplay and stuff iv been playing for like a month and I’m already diamond, I appreciate you bro
this is so helpful to rank up! thanks spookluke
Psssh i stay half court in any mode waiting for my teammate/s and they boom that shit over my head still
Why don’t you preach rotation ? Why don’t all these YouTube’s preach the importance of rotation and not cutting in front of your teammates.
So many loser kids get so salty when you tell them to rotate. Like holy hell this game is cancer and the little liberal losers who play it.
If I goto hit the ball and you are rotating back and then suddenly cut in on a ball.
Your hit will be garbage, you just put me out of position, you just left the area behind me open , for what purpose ? Clowns
something i have been doing since the day i started playing
What decal is that in the first clip
Thanks this helped a lot when I was positioning
It also gives you the benefit of hitting the ball with momentum
Japanese explanation plz