Von SpookLuke

37 Gedanken zu „The FASTEST Way To Rank Up in 2023… ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Playing private match 1v1s with friends who are close to you in rank has started to become one of my favorite ways to improve!

    Takes away the frustration and nerves of it being a ranked match while still being able to sweat and actually improve because you’re not playing a casual freestyler.

    I was feeling rusty after not playing for a couple of days and ran some 1v1 private matches with some viewers and after about an hour or so I felt back to my normal self! Without having to derank or sit in training which can be boring or not even really derust you all that well.

  2. Dude I love the content you bring to all of us. Every time I get a notification about a new vid, I hop on yt and watch it immediately because they help me so much. Thanks for the content man

  3. Thank you! Solo queue sucks! You spend at least a minute trying to figure out your team and by then may be down a goal or two. Just knowing what your teammates are likely do in a given situation helps. So many other videos avoid this common suggestion. You should also include switching to PC and reducing ping in any way possible.

  4. I'm a C1 player, I cannot air dribble…I cannot flip reset, I cannot speed flip…What i can do. Disrupt an attack (play defensive) and place a pass right on the hood of your car.

    The biggest tip is, you don't ALWAYS have to be the hero of the game to have fun and rank up.

  5. Don't buy it.. these vids are a lie… I've tried everything these videos say and practice them for hundreds of hours… And guess what?? Still bronze still trash and still have no control….they lie to get views, they can't prove thier worth at all.. please everyone stop buying it.. it's fake

  6. I always play 2s with a mate of mine, sometimes we notice its an off day, then we watch sum 2v2 vids together of people in either SSL or GC, it always helps with rotations, you dont even have to think about it most of the time, subconsiously you know what to do when you start qeueing again 30mins to an hour later (C3 rank).
    Reckon this will help at any rank that has a basic understanding of rotations but just needs a little refresher.

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