Von SpookLuke

30 Gedanken zu „The EASIEST Way Out of Diamond | Educational 3v3 UNRANKED to SSL #3“
  1. You're such a good YouTuber, you even inspired me to become a YouTuber just like you and I post videos everyday now. I hope someday I can get even more subs than you (even though you're a way better YouTuber than me lol)

  2. Hey in the first minute!!!!!! Love your content Luke! Your vids have helped me so much and I enjoy playing rocket league much more than i did before I started watching your helpful videos. Keep up the good work! Thank you! 🙂

  3. Some people don't seem to understand that when drive toward you own net, near post, you are carrying momentum that can possible push the ball toward your net or push a teammate. Drive from the opposite side (rotate to far post) so that your momentum opposes your incoming opponents' momentum and the incoming ball's momentum. You want to end up behind your teammates with momentum so that you can take over the play quickly when you teammate leaves the play. Don't be an obstacle.

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