32 Gedanken zu „The EASIEST Classes to KILL in Solo Shuffle! | 10.0.7 UPDATED Dragonflight PvP Guide“
  1. Hell id say DK is even more squishy than rogue or shaman, more squishy than rogue because at least rogues can completely stop physical damage or magic, DK you can with magic, but in such a melee heavy meta you have no way of getting away or stopping damage from an arms warrior shredding you and DS doesn't heal for hardly anything

  2. Warrior needs double charge as a choice talent between stormbolt, as it used to be.
    Leave damage and tankiness as it is, but having that all and the best mobility on top is way to broken.

  3. idk warriors always feel so easy to kill compared to others specs that can kait better xd disarm on no trinket>no parry dead in stun , maybe that's because I know more how war works compared to other melee specs but so far the squishest melee I played is either ww/frost dk except monk can kait well

  4. It feels like 90+% of all seasons was melee-heavy but this one is brutally biased towards melee classes. It is really a nightmare to play my non-mobile shadow priest and it will even get much harder in 10.1.

  5. Lol, calling warriors tanky but yet we easily die if trained even through d stance and ignore pain. Every lobby I'm ever in I'm the one who gets trained not stop to finish. Quit being bias Skill Capped.

  6. As a windwalker main and a demonhunter alt, ive lost at least 150 rating on both since the publication of this video. People used to fear our mobility and view it as a waste of time to go us. Especially since the dh talent tree nerfs making netherwalk impossible to pick.

  7. Solo shuffle has been nice was always a 2kish player never took 2s or 3s super serious. Just fooling around in solo shuffle I pushed 2500 easily and I'm still climbing. It's been great.

  8. What the video really missed when talking about Disc is training the disc priest effectively shuts down both their damage and massively wreckes their mana efficiency when they are forced to actually cast heals.

    I've legit never been in a lobby where "focus the disc" wasn't the call, and the only time it didn't work was when the 2nd dps fell for the myth of the unkillable disc priest.

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