Sehen Sie zu, wie wir das Turnier in etwas mehr als einem Tag von unten nach oben angehen. Werden wir es schaffen, naja, das wäre …
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E-Sport - Games - New Games - Best Games
Sehen Sie zu, wie wir das Turnier in etwas mehr als einem Tag von unten nach oben angehen. Werden wir es schaffen, naja, das wäre …
© Artikelquelle
Did you stay till the end?!?
Omega 09 is the only dino in the game that has higher attack than health WITHOUT an advantage
The gaming beaver come join me roblox
Have you battled the death dodo yed I know I did I committed this right after it . Hope you have fun battling it . 🦖
Thanks you so much.
Idk what say
whares the link for the omega D-na
i really did cool
Y are a pro
Will the triceratops gen 2 tournament come back?
Next time you do it use a super hybrid on the 1th One
1:06:33 1:06:34 1:06:35
the archelon tournament 6 years later is still recommended on the side bar for this video
1:31:41 ayo
There is a way to forfeit the matches: just click the timer like a normal match, and the same options will come up, including the Give Up button.
1:27:32 why did you factor in 2?
1:27:15 gave yo time for funny’s but he says funny words to
Bruh the same thing happened to me the new tournament was my first tournament so I didn’t know what to do or anything else. I got to dominator rank and I stopped playing for like 12 hours and logged back in then I was in hunter rank I was sad but I tought that was normal but is it normal or a bug?
I love how beaver has an arch nemesis of the arcalon tournament
We need a udon super hybrid
If you get the Triceratops Gen2 pack before you reach the final area would you still go to the final area or would you stop