Wir freuen uns, diesen Overwatch 2-Panzerleitfaden zu veröffentlichen, der sowohl Anfängern als auch Experten dabei helfen soll, zu verstehen, wie man in Overwatch 2 Panzer spielt.
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Wir freuen uns, diesen Overwatch 2-Panzerleitfaden zu veröffentlichen, der sowohl Anfängern als auch Experten dabei helfen soll, zu verstehen, wie man in Overwatch 2 Panzer spielt.
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Junkerqueen 00:50
Doomfist 05:26
Reinhardt 10:00
Zarya 16:26
Orisa 19:57
Sigma 24:02
Wrecking Ball 27:10
Winston 30:45
D.Va 35:10
Roadhog 40:06
just feel that this could have been a 10 minute video, not 46
Great video man. Thanks for sharing
Advanced wars music? is that what that is during Orisa?
Hammond is a 5 for fun are u kidding!!
He would know how to play tanks best, Sinces hes a tank himself! Good to learn from a true pro!
Fun to watch. As a dVa main, it's nice to see her get some love.
0:01 this guy looks like the real deal
like if funny
Doomfist- get tf off the character
your disgusting and fat
Fun game: Drink everytime he says "However" 😆
I'm going to continue defending Roadhog to my grave, I agree he's slightly too strong right now but in my opinion it could all be saved by simply increasing his hook cooldown by 3 or 4 seconds
He built like a tank 😂😂😂
First time ive played Overwatch and D. Vas been my favorite rn
Reduce ult radius and damage a little then give it a 2.5 second stun 4 seconds if you are charged.
Just giving him more shields for hitting his abilities would be a good fix to tanky like 55 +12 for each extra enemy hit.
Protection Suzu should prevent any other abilities from her for a few seconds after so she is vulnerable after saving a whole team.
I think considering the ridiculous ult charge time and getting hard countered by Kiriko, the ult deserves a lower rating than 4 stars.
tank doing tank guides
wiped my ass with the enemy team 5 comps in a row after this vid. thanks flats!
good thing to point out that orisa pairs super well with kiriko's buff, her left click basically turns into a bastion minigun that can headshot
This is the stuff you need to do if you want your channel to succeed. Nobody cares about your spectate videos and statistics clearly demonstrate that.
im sure this is bc i play with newer players or bad players but it makes orisa ult seem solid. Maybe people r just that dumb but rarely do people escape.
ty flats! quality content!
Just gonna say, love the smash bros theme
Yo do more on damage and support I need it please
hey bro can u stop talking so calmly and then just randomly screaming at me. Just talk calmly pls and stop jumpscaring me im begging
For sigma's movement potential, his ult lets him reposition as well as recover if knocked into an environmental hazard, and you can use rock as a pseudo-rocketjump.
Came back to OW after a few years of not playing to find im actually cracked at low tier Rein. He's so much fun at least in low silver
Orisa's ult isn't useful? I've gotten several 3 pieces by revving the full ult (which lasts longer than a mei iceberg and does enough damage to one shot her), and at the very least, you can majorly disrupt the enemy team by sucking them to the center of a circle that they must immediately flee. I am loving this new aggressive Orisa.
Doomfist needs a rework or put to damage again.
Do a dps guide.