Von SpookLuke

24 Gedanken zu „The BEST Mechanics BELOW GC | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Im one of the only grand champs whos actually good at defense. My teammates (im gc3 btw) just go sit in net as soon as the opponents get possession 💀 makes me think im in plat smh.

  2. This is a tip that's worth a million. I'm ranking plat in 2s now. Most of my worse teamates are those who don't rotate and go for every ball I'm already into, what makes me turn back to a defensive mindset, even when it's inneficient. Would my teamates be more aware of teamplay, I would rank up a little bit, although I also should practice more shadow defense and other defensive stuff.

  3. Now everybody is going to be practicing defense. So everyone between silver and gc better be practicing those double flip resets, because the others are going to be ready to save normal attacks like flip resets and it should be your teammate who defends and you using your superior offense to do the scoring!

  4. Im mid to low Platinum rn and honestly satisfied with the Rank im currently at, and i dont want it to change. Diamond is just too skill based and will take years of practice to get that good. But here in Platinum people pretty much know all the mechanics but just suck at performing them. Which makes it kinda fun.

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