13 Gedanken zu „The 4 LEVELS of INTERRUPTING in WoW PvP | WotLK Classic“
  1. At the highest ratings it really all comes down to who's better at juking/ landing interrupts.
    I do heal in pvp and it's such a fun little mind game. Sometimes I juke sometimes I say f*ck it and go all the way and they let me! Cause they thought I was gonna fake again! 🤣

  2. I know that a lot of top TBC arena players, use a complex script plug-in kinda thing for interrupting. (This is like the top 1-50+ players which still does hardcore arena today and has done so ever since the first pservers)
    There is a video of it somewhere on youtube – and after I have playing arena for many years, i was absolute in shock after watching it – because I had always wondered how I could be so terrible at fakecasting compared to the others, even thou i've had been playing TBC wow arena for 5-6 years now.

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