27 Gedanken zu „The #1 Reason RIVAL players LOSE in WoW PvP“
  1. Please make videos addressing RBG issues. You are the top WoW PvP channel and if you don't address RBGs on a regular basis, the part of the game will fade away with less number of players taking interest. Please talk more about RBGs in your channel, showing similar examples as these Arena games

  2. I have what I think to be a dumb question but thought I would come to the WoW PVP pros. My friend and I are new to PVP and he rolls a holy pally. after several fights he claims that he was CC'ed and unable to use his bubble. Is there any CC (in PVP) that would keep the paladin from using the bubble?

  3. Curious about the rating brackets in these examples. I'm often stuck around 1200 and in the first match shown, the way Paladin and Shaman played are worse than most enemy teams around 1100 and 1200. If they're much higher than that, I don't understand why with these mistakes. Any explanations to this?

  4. I don't think the problem is limited to rival/gladiator ratings. Even at the pretty much lowest rating, the problem of using too many or few cooldowns is there =)
    The challenge, of course, is to learn, remember, and quickly evaluate efficient trades. I barely recognize a third of the abilities enemies have, and that's a lot more than my healer does. And even with the ones I do, it does take quite a bit of time to think up a good choice. Not something you can do on the fly. Maybe you just have to see similar situations enough to "instinctively" feel what's a good solution. On the positive, it's only the second week, and we're already at a 1200 rating. That's exceptional for us. Not sure about my learning methodology, though. I've watched countless videos, and still the abilities just don't seem to stick to my memory. It seems I need some universal learning help and not only WoW-related info.

  5. Then there's the normal case where you just drop dead through every cooldown in the book. It's a normal thing as a destro lock lol, had to pact high and wall, still died through with port, kites and cookie before wall every expired. Why? Because ret/war

  6. Honestly my biggest problem from getting better is the frames. I try using Sarena and gladius to track CDs and what not but i just can’t focus on them. I always find my self staring at my buttons or what’s happening on screen cause i feel like i take to long to comprehend the information on the frames. By the time i do I’m either dead or my partner is dead. I don’t get how you guys can pvp at such a high level and pay attention to the frames too

  7. My issue as a healer is not overlapping cd's with my teammates. When an oh shi* situation happens, usually both parties instinctively press cd's for a save, thus leading to a slow loss in the next rotation window. The levels of premeditating cd's takes hundreds of hours with the same partners to understand how to react to all the meta comps/cd's. The levels of understanding needed for 3's beyond 2400+ rating is beyond obtainable in a reasonable amount of time, unless your playing something so busted it needs no level of coordination, like a ret hitting wings and divine toll for a lucky full crit one shot. I think the complexity of trading cd's in a team format requires too much coordination for the average player.

  8. Actually, there is a much simpler reason than that. There are too many abilities in the game to track, period. Even with all the add-ons that pros use, I don't remember what half the abilities do unless I read the tooltip. I can't keep all this information in my head during an arena match. Even if I did, I wouldn't be able remember how to counter all of them in an optimal manner. It's like playing 3D chess. So I gave up and just react to what my brain allows me to process which is mostly rudimentary stuff like health bars and the signature abilities.

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