Von Lethamyr

34 Gedanken zu „THE #1 KEY TO WINNING GAMES | Road to Rank 1 #7“
  1. Leth is just so damn great, like his play style is basic but hella good like he doesn't need to do a ceiling shot reset double tap bar down, its basic gameplay it works its just great, have i mentioned how consistent this guy is with streaming, videos and making maps. just wonderful

  2. It's great to know that I am more likely to win a game if I have possession most of the time, but how do I actually obtain possession, and more importantly how do I keep it?

    TL;DR: it's complicated

  3. why not, these rank up videos are way more informative and see-worthy then a lot of your other vids.
    that is as informative as sitting in a bus and listen to other people talking with people you do not know and topics that have no relevance or bearing.
    but meeh' that just my view after seeing some of your videos.

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