Also habe ich einen Terraria-Mod installiert, der es meinen Twitch-Zuschauern ermöglicht, beliebige Bosse zu spawnen und mehr. Mal sehen, wie das ausgeht!
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Also habe ich einen Terraria-Mod installiert, der es meinen Twitch-Zuschauern ermöglicht, beliebige Bosse zu spawnen und mehr. Mal sehen, wie das ausgeht!
© Artikelquelle
5:48 "Feels like i'm playing Starbound."
we want more it is so fun to watch + it gets u more moneh
You should do this again ill give u a zenith 😉
Summon qeen bee
oh my god i killed her
Viewers: proceed to spawn every boss in the game
That lava pit in the surface desert is proof that world seeds are messed up
Mom says it’s my turn to be pinned
2:36 lol
“Start My Day In Hell.”
that’s every day
Viewers: touch grass within 15 seconds
Gameraiders101: clicking intensifies
what mods did you have all together? i saw calamity but just wanted to know
bro why did nobody summon SCal
Any way i can get the full modlist in this vid? Thinking of getting into modded terraria finally
Spawn plant terra
what is the mod with the harpy village?
So what's the mod that adds the sky city thing?
What is the mod with the harpy island called?
how did you teleport at 9:22
Hi Gamer Aider what kind of aid should i use for my game?
The fish they scared me got me on the floor😂😂😂😂
is tht calamity???
Give zenith
Bro YouTube way to comfy with these double 15 second adds
What mod adds those harpy islands?
why no one spawn a yharon or exo mechs?
I would love to see an entire play through of this lol
Spawn king slime
Spawn moon lord
What mod adds the harpy village?
Where's the summon universal overlord button
From what mods come these Harpy Islands?
Clam wins win the perfect down air good job clam!
You subscribers have no rights to make this a troll
"Lucky for me, theres hearts dropping. So I'm not worried."
Chat: "Then perish."
Moon lord🎃