Von SpookLuke

37 Gedanken zu „Stop WARMING UP Like THIS… ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. The best warmup for tryharding is actually to Just play ranked immediatly imo. It has worked for me the last years, and I probably wont change it. Just make sure to stay warm by using freeplay in between games.

  2. I hardly disagree with you -> groundplay is decisions and positioning much more than skill..

    Air plays are more skill related so they need more warming up..

    Your hyptothesis may work for very low rank players …

  3. One big problem i have with training sometimes is the unlimited boost. Ill go into a real game forgetting i dont have that unlimited boost anymore and ill just do a really crappy job not gathering boost or not focusing on how much boost i have left. I literally do it almost every time.

  4. My friend an I warm up… by playing Ranked. We dont really care what our rank does. Odds are, we'll start out at diamond 1 and 2, and end the night at diamond 1 and 2. But we'll have had fun going nowhere the whole time.

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