Von SpookLuke

21 Gedanken zu „STOP Playing FAST… ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. I’m a C3 and play “fast” or with high momentum when playing with higher ranked friends/opponents. I think I do it simply to make up for my lack of positioning and power up against GCs. Such high level skill that they play with ease. It’s hard to keep up.

  2. Sadly if you dont play fast and try to think when playing rl, my teammates will hit my ass, and bump me, because 90% of them brain dead, and just rely on playing fast, with compensating everything with mechanics. They dont think about how much boost your mate could have,- if someone is at the back,- they never check the positions of teammates etc.

    I think you will only find players like this at high GC-SSL

  3. So this might seem silly but i got so tired of bad teammates that i tried to int so i played slow. really slow. then noticed I won 90% of the games I played slow so yeah its a valid point

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