In diesem Tutorial gehe ich einige Tipps zum Schießen von Wänden durch, die Ihnen helfen sollen, in Rocket League Wandschüsse zu treffen. DM mir „WALL“ auf Discord: …
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In diesem Tutorial gehe ich einige Tipps zum Schießen von Wänden durch, die Ihnen helfen sollen, in Rocket League Wandschüsse zu treffen. DM mir „WALL“ auf Discord: …
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But with automatic air roll?
Before I will have commented this this video will have had 69 comments 🙂
Bruh, use paqualitos wall pack instead. The shots are much better for striker and does not have random wall clears mixed in.
great tutorial
Great video for my friend he acctualy misses this everytime and mext problem is hes trying filp resets but he cant even airrol properly
I just bang the ball against my own goal wall then spam "what a save" to my team when it gets passed directly in front of my net
Learned behavior sorry
my trash az gold self: wtf is this
literally gave this pack to a couple of guys in the GCR last night! what are the chances or timing for that!
So your telling me that all this time I've been practicing wall to air dribbles or any off wall plays I could have corrected myself with air roll 👀 😅😅 I swear I'm an idiot for not trying this until now 😂😂😂😂
Who tf is trash at wall shots
one time you were in a tourney against me, you went afk before the match even started ggs homie
Definitely gonna have to try this, it looks really helpful and a lot of fun too 👍
im a boosted monkey who cant do basics, simple packs like this should be default for RL
This is smart!
Hey I don’t have both air rolls
Any tips for horse play now that wall play is sorted? 😉
This is advice I need!!!!
Honestly it turns out I've been doing wall shots like how luke said since silver. I guess my dumbass silver brain just did it because otherwise I felt like I couldn't move my car or smth idk now it is just habit 🙂
Thanks for the information ❤👑
Coach Gregan inspired?
Thing on the wall I struggle with most is clearances. Like when the ball is hit at the wall and you meet it to clear it. I miss time it so much. Same with catching the ball when starting a dribble rolling down the wall
Plus can rocket league just make it so you can put a car on the wall in training packs
Bruh you're becoming the equivalent of athlean-x's " this is killing your gains"
Please keep them coming
I've been using this pack a long time
It's my birthday today!!
Why do you have to be 18+ to get coached?
2 minute video and already helped so many people inmorove
Such a small change that makes a huge difference, wow
You totally roasted that poor orange fennec XD
Hey luke I'm in that point of my rocket league career where air rolling is needed i cant get higher diamond 2 without learning air roll. But my problem is I'm playing in ps4 so custom maps are not supported can you make a vid for people like me who cant access ring maps?
Thanks Coach!!!
Wait, what were those crosshairs? 1:01 is that in Bakkesmod?
Who’s better. SPOOKLUKE or spooky loops? Same name but differnet channels. I gotta give it to luke
Oh, I'm a high diamond/low champ and wall play isn't as hard for me as it may be for others ngl
I've been using this pack sense I started playing rl
Can you do a video of air preflips
It's 5 am and I will try these thank you
i airoll right on both walls i just do the other backwards c2-3 rn trying to slow down on my stupid freestyles cus they are too risky but when we are clearly destroying then ill just hit some flipreset stuff and doupletaps so i dont loose my musclememory on them
super slept on pack for quick wall shot practice
Nice music
add to playlist!
my cat stepped on my mouse that was over the sub button when she saw the cat in the end of your vid…… think that she wanted you to gc coach me from champ 2…. CATS GOD HAVE SPOKEN POG
The discord inv is expired
anyone above diamond knows all this and below diamond, wall shots arent important, so this was practically useless
Do I need both air roll left and air roll right? A tutorial i watched said that you only need one