Von SpookLuke

45 Gedanken zu „Start Doing THIS or be Hardstuck FOREVER…ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. If someone lands a good demo on me for a overtime goal or to win the match, yes I'm gonna be mad but I'm not gonna complain because a win is a win. If that is what they have to do to get it that's what they got to do.

  2. Honestly, the issue of people complaining about a demo is one I never understood. From the beginning of the game I acknowledged the fact that a demo is a fun part of the game. Ofcourse the typical plat teams that believe one team member being the demolisher actually works in their favour can be annoying but at a point they will find out that demolishing an opponent ar specific areas of the field in the end only works in their disadvantage.

  3. If im going to play rocket league, i dont want to play WWE CoD or whatever shit inthere. Imo Demo is just Toxic playstyle which Shows you cant play the game and need those Demos. And yea, im in gc2 peak

  4. Demos are a crime of opportunity. If you and I are close because we're playing the ball or a position and you turn on me there's nothing dirty about that. It's when people start chasing you all the way down the field with psycho killer vibes about them, abandoning the play their team is trying to make in the process, that starts to turn me sour, coupled with the fact that they're made to be easier to connect in the first place by design.

  5. Most people don't look at it with a pro mentality tho? It's like land destruction in magic the gathering. It can be a strong strategy, but it can also kill the fun for other players.

    I am guessing most want to have fun and not be pros.

  6. When a mf is just riding around demoing ppl and not going for the ball is what people complain about. If you’re in the net and someone takes a shot and demos you to get you out of the net, that’s smart. Just smashing people for no reason is when shit gets annoying.

  7. Nah these pros don't spam demos. That's the thing these demos have to be calculated ESPECIALLY at these high skill intense matches. Watch faze and gen g grand champion finals. Gen g had some GREAT demos and they benefited from it greatly. If you spam demos and think you're on a "pro" level please reevaluate.

  8. The only thing I dont like is when someone just chases the entire game trying to demo. To me thats toxic and just dumb. Also, when its 1v2 or 2v3 after someone disconnects. Going for demos in that scenario tells me you're not very good.

  9. I’m a little slow but how do you get the ball to come to you and spawn on your car when your training. It’s it a training pack or jus custom games to train. I see so many videos of like training and never know how to get it like that

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