Von Hydramist

8 Gedanken zu „SPELL HIT/PEN EXPLAINED FOR DISC PVP – Hydra WotLK Classic PvP Guide“
  1. Petition to remove these dogshit 1-4% miss chance racials/talents and sacred cleansing from the game? Garbage stoneage vanilla/tbc mechanics, I don't understand why they even put sacred cleansing in the game, did blizz at the end of TBC think holy paladins were so weak that they needed this talent for pvp?? XD fucking cringe

  2. Hydra you cannot "counter" Rogue or Ret Paladin Misschance due to talents. You can only counter the racials as you have mentioned so 6% Hit as a Caster and 7% (5+2) as a Melee is the way to go. As for Spellpen just go 130 as a rule of Thumb as Shadow or Disc as you are fighting Holy Pala so often and missing a Fear and or Silence is way to risky.

  3. Is there a soft cap? Or do we know the exact resistance percentage? I'm sitting at 92 spell pen and racial misses seem to happen way more frequently than palletin teams resisting fears. I'd be giving up a lot of int and haste to get that last bit of spell pen.

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