27 Gedanken zu „So we turned YU-Gi-OH into a DRINKING GAME…“
  1. Actually I will defend burning land being used on cocoon it destroys field spells, so wouldn’t the forest be a field spell? Weakening the cocoon so Gaia the fierce can destroy it?

  2. If memory serves, they actually changed the rules in the show to match the game in…Duelist City, I think it was.

    Because Joey's dumb ass got calle dout for playing like a 5 star monster right from his hand when that doesn't work anymore.

  3. Yeah, Pegasus' tournament had unique rules unlike other games. Originally, there were no "levels" the stars were the card's rarity. But Kaiba made his own rules, and everyonensorta was like, "Yeah, these rules are better" (as they're considered "Pro Duelist Rules")

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