Laden Sie FRAG PRO Shooter kostenlos herunter oder spielen Sie es: 1 Link = Erhalten Sie kostenlose Prämien im Wert von 6 $! X1 goldene Truhe …
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Laden Sie FRAG PRO Shooter kostenlos herunter oder spielen Sie es: 1 Link = Erhalten Sie kostenlose Prämien im Wert von 6 $! X1 goldene Truhe …
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🎯Download or Play FRAG PRO Shooter for free: 1 link =
Get $6 worth of free rewards! X1 gold chest 🎉 + 500 coins 💰 + 50 diamonds 💎
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My idol 💞🔥👌
6 years in 6mins❤️
who noticed the old ads?
you are such a fan of kg LMFAOO
hey shawk how are you
Console champs hit a clips like that and still be like “I’m on controller, it’s scuff and high sens”
shawk how your videos from 2 months ago are just 8.02 min? The Magic?
I just started playing this game…… You make this game look so easy……. Inspirational dude😍👌
why isn't this guy on 1mil subs yet?
Yo just want to say congrats on 129k
I still suck even after 4 years. :`)
I think u should just upload the new clips with no audio
Amazing video, I enjoyed it alot, think you would enjoy this guy's channel KlukePhoenix, he's a good friend of mine and he's been playing for 6 years too
It just looks like big shit, this game is dead or almost. RIP R6 Siege…
shawks cute 😘 no home i think
My man with the fire vid and keeping it strong
Damn i've been playing since y1/y2 and i'm still super shit haha
Nice wallbang in the first clip i'm not gonna lie
The time past so much fast
I wish I was this good
Hey shawk I think you are an amazing player and I try to take in everything I see from you and put that in my own play style you have helped me improve in siege and you have taught me new things thank you so much and keep it up also congrats on 130k!