Von pokeaimMD

27 Gedanken zu „So kommen Sie zu Smogon-Turnieren! So starten Sie in die Smogon-Turnierszene!“
  1. So these "smaller" tournaments are each week from Fr to Su?
    And if I get a good place at these it is not unlikely that I also get to play in the bigger major tournaments?

    Thanks so much for this video Joey to help people like me who want to learn more about such things 😀

  2. Thank you for this video! I was really tempered to join the first ORAS-Weekend. Do you think I should try it out even if I am only at mid to low-ladder (1550)? Anyway I want to sign up for Battling 101 next month 🙂

  3. I think I have a question that you could answer. How do you deal with tournament nervousness? I'm pretty sure I've been getting over it lately with my seasonal run right now, but in the past I've choked so hard out of going on autopilot, especially in bo3s and to a lesser extent against well known players

    Also a side note can you convince chimp/jam/CBB to join bw cup, we'd have the whole heatah household in classic

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