So erhalten Sie DARK LINK in Breath of the Wild mit Hilfe von Kiltons Monstershop! Abonnieren Sie Austin John Plays für mehr großartige …
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So erhalten Sie DARK LINK in Breath of the Wild mit Hilfe von Kiltons Monstershop! Abonnieren Sie Austin John Plays für mehr großartige …
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Nice to know you can get this without amiibo support.
Ima just wear it for cosmetic
I love you
Hi and thks so much for the guide. What happens if you show the photo of Kilton to the guard BEFORE he gives you the dark Link outfit. He will still give it to you? I got a feeling that the guard is persecuting him
Dark Link with Royal Guards Shield, Bow, Sword (with durability transfer) is really perfect imo so it’s not that useless 😆
I have done every thing killed every monster I have all the masks ThT he sells and I can’t dark link
Pls reply is it required to REALLY TALK TO THE GUARD IN EAST AKKALA STABLE TO GET DARK LINK??? or you can just get it without the guard?
Can u get the dark link outfit via amibo's?
Durability transfer the Hylian Shield to the Royal Knight Shield, and the Toy hammer thingy he sells you to the Royal knight sword, and you are SET. (The toy hammer thingy has the most durability sword in the game other than big goron dura+)
As someone who mostly avoids combat I guess I'll never be able to get that costume. No way will I ever be able to have enough monster parts 😭
Awww that sucks I got them all except bah naboris witch is hard because of the stupid yiga clan
it's actually quite easy to find this without researching it. all of the npcs practically tell you where kilton is once you get to akkala.
Ty! This was helpful
Tuyệt vời ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Can't you upgrade the dark link or no?
I liked how you edited out the part on how to glide down to that tiny island really helpful
so i have to beat all the devine. beast first ?
Mon sounds a lot like Bitcoin. I’m in!
Thank God this isnt DLC
I really love this set
what are the four beasts
What is the fourth beast
Dark link is AWESOME
You are my favorite
kilton is walter white
Dark link is my favorite character in the world, and My most used in super smash bros. Knowing that I’m too lazy and my brain won’t work, so it’s gonna be impossible to get, is sad. 🥹😂
Welp time to start grinding for those monster parts
I feel it would have been a little bit better if it worked similar to majoras mask and allowed you to blend in with all monsters. It's better than speed bost
I did everything but I still can't find them
Before I get this what are the materials to upgrade it
For anyone that came here for the SIMPLE way to find Kilton after initially speaking to him. Travel to the shrine outside Gerudo Town. Then when you arrive, turn left and walk straight….done. this kid makes it seem more difficult than it is…
Actually, kid with 2 first names for some strange reason. He was kidding about destabilizing the establishment, which doesn't even exist in Hyrule in the first place.
There are enough false rumors being spread around by you millenials already, nobody needs you helping add more fake lore to the Zelda series.
From the best game
If you wear the dark link outfit in the korok forest they’re scared of you before you start talking to them. I was wearing it when I went to get more weapons and shield slots and all the koroks were trembling before you start talking to them 🥹😭