26 Gedanken zu „Scout Trap Uses And Placement – Vainglory Tips – Ep 1“
  1. If you are playing Koshka, you should try to get vision of the bigger creep with the mine since it is a little more efficient to pounce the large one before twirling. At TD lvl 3 ( or 4?) it will one shot the smaller creep if you have any CP.

  2. Great video had lots of mine places I've never thought of before! I was just surprised you said the kraken mine wasn't as useful because everyone knows to look for it. I'm ranked "pretty good" and literally NOONE checks it and my team can stop or steal kraken almost every time XD

  3. when im playing koshka i like to put mines in the path where the enemy is gonna flee, and also when im playing defence, catherine, i like to put mines and make the enemy go after me and hold my defence while my team finishes, even if i end up dead, my team gets the ace, its risky, and a little complicated, because of the mines cooldown, but it seems every player has a diferent timer for mine damage cooldown, so 3 mines aparently work well for engaging fight, but i could be wrong too, it had worked for the lower levels, im currently 6, but im amazed by the fact not many uses mines at this levels they are a great advantage in vision and ambush

  4. don't they have vision of the mines now? I just started play a month ago and I've been hooked ever since but if they agora visible wouldn't they be useless and the enemy team would just trip them on purpose?

  5. Pls some one help my smarthphone is death.
    Now i need a cheap alternative to play vainglory. until i can buy a new high end phone
    I search for secondhand hardware and found a samsung galaxy tab 3 light for 50 euro.
    Did vainglory works on on tab 3 light with out laggs and crashes? any one has experience. pls tell me if you know. some one

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