35 Gedanken zu „Rogue Pre Raid PvP BiS Gear | Phase 1.5 (Dire Maul)“
  1. The gear here isn't at all well though out, for instance if you change the helm and boots for shadowcraft and the blackstone ring for a tarnished elven ring you lose literally 0 hp and 0.07% Crit, and gain 36ap, 109 armor and almost 4% dodge… It's small differences but how can you have a BiS list this wrong?

  2. Just dont know what to believe anymore, I know this is a pvp video but you state the shadowcraft set is really bad for pve, but I was just reading something that said if you get the 6 piece set bonus then shadowcraft is pre raid bis. I guess this is off topic but conflicting info has me confused, anyone know which is actually true?

  3. Good video. I agree with the list, but would change off hand dagger to Scarlet Kris. The 10 stam and agi are nice to have. Im little mad now that i farmed cape of black baron for soooo long… now ill take your cloak for pvp.

  4. 6 piece SC or gtfo. Hand of Justice is almost always better than 2 crit trinket especially with builds presented in this guide. Should include some useful items like spider belt imo. Satyrs bow seems like a poor choice for pvp unless you are pumping that hit % so in imp sprint build presented you should never use it over lets say boomstick or carapace spine xbow.

  5. Alot of this content is wrong wouldnt listen to a non rogue player. No mention of alternitive to heartseeker that is around 800+ gold no mention of sword hemo rogues, discrediting how good shadowcraft is why only go for 2 set when both 4 set and 6 set are superior to this build, etc etc

  6. О-о-о, какие люди! Skill Capped WoW Guides
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