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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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This video's thumbnail chef's kiss
Hey freestyler
i really really want that dicord bot thing with the free throws. Do you know how i could get it?
Or field goals lol
This looks like rocket league side swipe
you should all play together and see if you can get a higher +/- or try passing plays
yo coments im waiting the roast for JG
i died at the wheeze
leth : popping! popping!
To be fair jg got screwed with shots 😭
4:49 LOLL
Air dribble it
I could do this easy.
My rank is soggy tea water 9
JG misses:
you pro
dude at 19:18 was embarassing for an SSL
this one shot from JG this week touch XD
7:00 Leth and Rapid are so good JG forgot he was SSL for a second
JG's wheeze heals all of my frustration in life. What a lad. Great content as always, Leth! You, JG, Rapid, Guhberry, Swaggles, Danny.. You make hilarious content.
Your my fav rocket league streamer
5:04 POV: You are watching JG lose himself to the shadow and become a Nazgul