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Danke fürs Anschauen ABONNIEREN UND LIKE Ich werde versuchen, diese jeden Samstag oder Sonntag hochzuladen, aber ich kann es nicht garantieren.
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U deserve more subs
This is fucking insane :>
are you crazy😨😨😨😨😨😨 you are op
i can’t stop the veedio
Nr 5 should be nr 2 or 1 IF its in order 🙂
Your steering and aeriel sens?
Yasss my favorite ytuber <3
Sting please upload complete ranked matches!
the fuck
introducing pults fire song leggo kappa
gud top 5
first clip 3-0 in 40 sec rip us
So nutty
not trying to get you to like this you dont even have to like this but 5,4,3 are the best clips i've seen
man ur getting good at those resets
You r insane…
Holy shit
I Need Daily uploads! xD
Damn u r insane!
BTW What do you use to record?
4 is my fav clip holy ur a god dude
Nooo😢 before better
U r the best!!!!!! Let’s gooo
It's a good idea but I still want raw gameplay of competitive
why tf u using my old thumbnails
0:57 that bounce xD
So nice!! What a beast tho
Nutty Resets
You are a beast dude
i wouldnt usee clips from the previous 4 top5s since we would have already seen them… but great video and ideas for future vids!
wtf! insane
aftershock pogchamp
Love that old school song <3 so many memories
mate #5 is fucking insane
How do you air rol with tornado spin
Camera Settings?
Well Ima bout to use aftershock
How old are u
What controller do you use?
Miss you <3 u should be more sctive with uploading
Will this ever get a #2
btw the #2 and #1 clip was in the same game, i was in this .. you're monster
Sens deadzo e?
ur insane
Stiiiiiing!!! Since two months i check every day if you uploaded a vid. Cmon we want to see your skill man!