Von Lethamyr

39 Gedanken zu „Rocket League NINJA WARRIOR is INSANE“
  1. This video is so triggering because both Guh and JG7 have the listening comprehension of my 5 year old daughter. Like on the second obstacle specifically. They watched Leth do it, and then try to do it in a completely different way. Then, when Leth explains it to them, they just ignore him and Leth has to give them baby directions on how to do it 😅🤣

    It also baffles me that they can prejump their teammates pinch to background and they double tap it in… But they cant time a simple thing moving back and forth 😅

  2. So I played this map the other day and I’m convinced it’s so much easier with octane. Since octane air rolls slightly quicker than fennec. Also because the fennec acts weird on these curved surfaces which is strange. Highly recommend anyone tryin this to use octane… even though fennec is life

  3. Leth is known for being a #1 professional purcore and coach for this… Leth is built differently! Leth, I love you man big fan… I wish I had the same common sense as you in control and playing in rank.(I’m only champ 1 in 2s :/)

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