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Hey guys Marce here I just wanted to say that I'm really excited about how this edit in the beginning turned out. I have been wanting to try to get better at my editing. And It's really fun to edit for you guys and see your feedback on my content. I know I didn't add a bunch of editing and cinematics after the introduction but I am limited on time so I do hope that is ok. Love you all those who support Dub1 and I. Peace!
I got my sound FX from in game and edited them a bit and Animated from Cinema 4d.
Hey man you think we can play sometime. I'd like to get some nice shots with you.
Stop putting ads on other videos, your dogshit at the game and everyone doesn’t want to see silver, at most, gold gameplay
Your about tab looks like something a five year old could make lmao
But the edits are good
What rank are you (Not including extra modes)?
you should try to sync it up a bit. no hate, i really like the edit but it would be really good with it synced
No what I ment to say is try to hit some better shots and I will sub