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Hey Leute, im heutigen Video wollte ich ein riesiges Video mit einem Haufen nützlicher Informationen machen, aber ich musste es aufteilen in …
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thanks for making a complete guide. rising star here but it's still nice to see this full guide. if you're a prospect or even a challenger I recommend watching to the end. the first video of yours I saw was a tutorial u recorded at 3 am or something lol. nice to see this complete, professional guide. 🙂
The Dominus should be 20$ it's so fucking good
Im Grand champ and i still got some info i can use while playing! Great video!
He said 15 thousand (15,000) hours played… I real hope he meant 15 hundred (1500) hours.. That is a bit more acceptable.
Can barely hear you over the LOUD AUDIO, like seriously we are here to hear you speak, not the music you might get IDed for.
well this part was pointless -_-
If this vid was made way earlier I would've learnt something xD
Wait a sec, you have a 625 day playtime?
Very very useful, thank you so much
you don't have the playstyle of a super champ
What's ur camera settings m8? 😀
Good job
man what a gtx you have?
Stopped watching at 15,000 hours.
365 days x 24 hours is 8760 hours. RL is just around 1 1/2 year old. Nope.
music sometimes makes your speech unhearable, but video was great
Hey eclipse people like you deserve more publicity and I personally that people with a less of a following have better content. My opinion and i like this first episode nice one 👌
Only 15 hours on the game? That's nothing I have 6 hours boosting on one boost and 3 hours on like 6 more
where is part 2?
Dominus is a DLC??
That's 1 check mark for me.
Great FPS
I saw u scoring and saw master level… but you do have a beta cap.. Did ur rank get reset?
i agree, weight is a thing, with the cars. thats why i dont use the Breakout anymore. its too light for my liking. Cant recover off of a single jump hit.
Is there an easy way to go straight to training in between games on the ps4? Like, without having to exit to the main menu, open up training, and then find a match from there (I know you could find a match first and then go but by the time you do all that you'll only have like 1 minute of free play)
Nice video, im struggling to get up from rising star
im in challenger II and im stuck there
You are no master I'm better than you
Everyone here sucks if you are watching this. You can't gain anything from this video you can only learn if you lose the match. Have you guys ever learned the saying if you lose the game you can learn from the lose. Yea so guys if you want to get better in rocket league just see what you did wrong in the last match and then just practice.Practice makes perfect😃!
Can I use aftershock though?
You are extremely full of yourself.. 'people at low level really should have rank 10 goailie at allstar training'
Great job on this video! Best video to learn RL
Wheres part 2?