Von SpookLuke

44 Gedanken zu „ROCKET LEAGUE How To ROTATE To GC In 3s! | The ULTIMATE Rotation Guide Part 1“
  1. i learned to do this and got to champ 1 div 3, but after rank update fallen to plat 3 and none of my teammates rotate, i am always at backpost and they are ballchasing hell out of ball, so i cant get any quality touch, any idea how to rank up back to my rank ?

  2. IK this is an old-ish video but SpookLuke you have to be one of the most underrated RL youtubers out there and definitely my favorite. Keep it up man, great content. Old and new

  3. 5:50 this is kind of an oversimplification and “parking back post until it’s safe” is not always a good idea. Unless you’re showing up at the perfect time with momentum your position in net should depend on where the ball and opponents are.

    For example if the opponents are near our right corner ready to take a shot, you can cover every angle from your front post with no momentum.

    Good video and no hate I just wanted to point out that back post rotations are always preached about and basic goal line defense gets ignored sometimes

  4. 'What if I told you that you could be a Grand Champion ranked rocket league player solely based on your positioning and rotation", holy sheet! It happened yesterday to me haha! Thanks for the video, it is great!! I hit the sub button!

  5. THANK YOU for actually explaining back post rotation and not just saying “just go back post bro”

    I never knew I was supposed to keep the back post in font of me until I’m ready to move up. I was doing the same thing as the champ player

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