Für alle hartgesottenen Rocket League-Plats: So kommen Sie aus Platin in Rocket League heraus!
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Für alle hartgesottenen Rocket League-Plats: So kommen Sie aus Platin in Rocket League heraus!
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6 weeks unheard of usually takes a year
No hate, this guys real good but are the clips at the start him when he's in champ? Or gold/plat?
I wish I could join the program @spookluke but I'm not 18 :[
the ending of the video was hard to watch, so awkward, Agony was not happy, dare I say, he was in agony, losing champ like that, thanks for deranking for my video – let me know when you get to champ 2/3 – ouch
plat 1 help me luke!~
Learning proper rotations could literally take you anywhere in this game. What helped me put of platinum was identifying my rotation problems.
My team mates wouldn't rotate out, and would stay in for way too long, so by default I would take 3rd man position, and I would hold that position for entire minutes at a time.
Eventually, I learned that with some players you have to work for a rotation. What I mean is I would think that since my team-mates aren't rotating out. That I had to stay back. So a couple weeks ago, I decided to say :im going to rotate in, they've been in way too long, if we get scored on while I rotate in, so be it, its not my fault."
Everyone deserves a right to be involved, but in plat and diamond people tend to have the mentality of "he missed a shot so I'm just going to have to carrying them they ball chase all game.
Rotations are so important. I've seen people that could land double flip resets. Ceiling shots, air dribbles. Etc hard stuck in diamond because when they rotated out, they'd rotate out in the play, bumping their team mate, ruining his play, and getting scored on because they immediately rotate in after rotating out and bumping their team mate.
Have 13 days of game time still plat highest I got was diamond 1
im plat wit 120 hours
Yo I have been in plat 1 for like 2 weeks
You're videos are so great before watching you 3 weeks ago I was silver 1 now I'm growing so fast I recently hit plat and I'm working to get to diamond
How do I get outa diamond
TLDR; l2p
I used to play only with ball cam on , then started to Train with ball cam Off, got allot better. Couldn’t believe what i could pull off.
I mainly do tournaments now and casual to avoid the ranking system as it feels so convoluted at plat and above. The reward is not worth the stress tbh and funny thing a couple of my plat friends which are better than me (I'm on par with like a diamond 2) have won champ tournaments which should tell you how screwed that rank really is and the inconsistancy is very real and discourages people like me for trying to win a bunch of games.
Yea he def didnt get champ by himself he is playing like a gold
The way I got into champ 1 was realizing it was inconsistent mechanics holding me back. Now I stay in practice until my mechanics feel good. No sense in downranking when you could be drilling instead.
I'll bet I could get grand champ if I was better with the camera. That's my next mechanic.
yall plat and diamond players dont understand that hitting ceiling shots and flip resets doesnt mean u deserve a higher rank . im in champ2 div3 and im still not perfect with my ceilings and flip resets. focus on ur rotations decision making and defending nd u will easily rank up
I feel like I have good ground ball control with dribbles just need to find the space
this dosent make ANY SENSE
Plat ?? wtf has this got to do with plat clickbait nonsense
i'm desperate: i think i deserve diamond but every time my tm8s are shit and the other ones always manage to score even though i do good rotations and i'm pretty good at 50/50. And i even practicing aerial skills like air roll left, but nothing
i finally hit plat 3 and even through the latter part of plat 2 i'm basically getting carried. my teammates refuse to let me touch the ball. ball can be served up to me on a silver platter and as soon i got for it, i got one or both of them flying over me stealing it away or screwing me up or. or hitting into the wall constantly (not in a strategic way eithe) instead of shooting it at the goal. it's almost more ball chasey than gold i feel. I end up just driving around in circles or perma goalie.
gold 3 to d 2
Well i thought i had alot of playtime but i actually am in plat 2/3 and have like 30 hours in game lol
The title for this vid should read: 20 minute advertisement for a paid course.
I can’t even get into platinum let alone get out
its been 60 hours and i am still plat 1 sometimes gold 3 idk bruh
My teamates call me bad then give up so I’m just bad
I thought my problem was my teammates not rotating, missing shots, hitting it without purpose, etc for a WHILE, I felt like I could play to the best of my ability ( w decent mechanics, and at least some consistency ) and still lose.
Had to watch replays and nitpick everything, that was the only way.
But I’m back down to plat three …
Thank you!
Ive got 25 hours on the game and im plat 1 in doubles and my friend that I play with started after me i learnt to always try look where the front of the cars going to hit the ball now they just hit it straight to me 🥳🐝🤐🤐🤐
i am plat 3 gold
to plat 1 to gold 3 to plat again and gold and plat smae thing again again again
I'm a plat and i can flip reset musty double tap
you cany even carry… lmaoo
this is wrong… u cant… it’s the rank u get stuck in Cus of teammates… 😐😐😐
Im stuck in plat for years
I have 180 hours and am d2
One of my friends got gc at 186 hours 😂 I’m only plat and I have 180 hrs
I can’t with plats dude they’re so thick headed they completely give up on ranking and they end up ball chasing the whole game and blame on the “insignificant teammate “ that couldn’t follow what this guy was trying to do simply because he didn’t plan on where the ball would go but they just fly into it like blind birds.
I’ve recently hit Plat 3. My advice to y’all is let ur tm8s shine and be aware of the ball and ur tm8s. Cuz if u do this u won’t double commint. Ur positioning should be near midfield while attacking and while defending it should be back post if not front post or challenging if ur tm8 is at back post. Also I have 169 hours in RL.
This title is really misleading
I hit C and survived in long enough to make my season reward wins + a few more but now I'm back in D3 and I can't figure out what changed and why I'm worse all of a sudden