Nun, wir haben gewonnen, was absolut verrückt ist, da dies zum einen mein erstes Gfinity und mein erstes Turnier ist, nachdem ich mich als Profi zurückgezogen habe.
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Nun, wir haben gewonnen, was absolut verrückt ist, da dies zum einen mein erstes Gfinity und mein erstes Turnier ist, nachdem ich mich als Profi zurückgezogen habe.
© Artikelquelle
More of these kind of vids pls
A double jump reset, a jump reset triple touch and some new acrobatics 👌🏼 love you sting
Juste incroyables vos matchs (je parle fr vu que le commentary de tes matchs étaient aussi en fr, du coup je penses que tu comprendras), vous êtes géniaux les gars, continuez comme ça vous pouvez largement aller très loin ensemble ! Hâte de vous revoir sur le terrain 😋
Sting oh my b😂
GG Ladies
Wow! U guys did incredible! Didn't think u guys would make it that far. Congrats!
Wow! U guys did incredible! Didn't think u guys would make it that far. Congrats!
Hey String, great video! What deadzone shape and speed are you using? Square, Circle Cross etc… Thanks!
Fokin freestyler in gfinity ecks dee
Les commentateurs Français !
French ez pz
Gj Stoung da god <3
And then to think i had to carry you to season 3 grandchamp lmao <3. 😉
Does anyone have Xbox 1 that can pass an freestyle I'm a passer and I can shoot I go for double touched and resets add me ascend castle
Why did u scam me u took my white hat 😡😡😡😡
Hey nice Video Bro, i subbed 🙂
3:55 – 5:45 …. It's the Warriors vs Caviliers all over again
What do you mean first tournament after retiring from being a pro? Were you ever pro?
Congratulations on your win, you all deserve it!
this is a super-dooper vid my diddly-doo
played with u yesterday :p
Alltherage? Alltheskill*
what are your cam settings?
Casted by Foraxx?
I 'm french and commentary sucks af
I'm happy that you have more fun playing ranked and doing sick plays. But Im kinda sad aswell, you are the reason why I started frestyling, saw all your montages and clip edits but keep up you doing a great job 😉
Sting re u in Pulse or u left ? 😰
1st song?