Von Lethamyr

44 Gedanken zu „Rocket League, but your BOOST = your GOALS“
  1. not sure if its been done.. but how about a game mode where everytime a team scores they lose 10 boost.. make it to a score of 10 goals to win. so it gets harder and harder each goal for the team in the lead. final goal will be a no boost

  2. The only thing I can figure for the wonky math being done when you went higher with the multiplier is some kind of buffer overflow. It would make sense that perhaps the value is stored in a signed short which is only 2 bytes with a max value of 32767. If it's unsigned then a max of 65535. I'd assume the function for taking your input wasn't made to check the size of its input and just writes it to the address associated with the multiplier variable. So it runs over the space allocated up to 4 bytes but only 2 bytes are read for the multiplier variable.

    Or in other words, one of the most pervasive CVE's in applications to this day. But for a plugin on Rocket League it's probably totally innocuous.

  3. I thought this was going to be correlated in the opposite direction: after every goal, your team can only generate as much boost as you have goals. So starting out without boost and then with each goal you unlock more boost. But probably need to unlock more than 1 per goal haha

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