Von Lethamyr

23 Gedanken zu „Rocket League, but you need MORE points every game to win“
  1. they took the points away form demos cause of all the trash kids demo chasing and ruining games on both sides just trying to farm points and demoing….. if the only way you can score is to demo , you are not in the rank you should be …. people need to STOP BOOSTING their friends or for money , it has absolutely ruined most ranks and matchmaking

  2. 27:10 lol leth, you should become a freestyler, then you wont feel bad for this sort of thing against lower ranks XD

    on another note, video idea, jonsandman done this with athena, rather than points go for the most X
    could be saves, shots, demos etc…

    jerrythebee has a plugin that can keep track of these stats during a game, "stat counter" (ID 126)

  3. Video idea: Rocket League, but the latest number typed in chat = the goals. Now I know that you can't type at the same time when you play, but ur teammate can.. and if u spam it wouldn't work cuz of the 'chat disabled for 4sec'

  4. Diamonds are used to gcs and high champs by now. I’m a diamond and queue into those lobbies all the time. No reason to feel bad about it, diamond is just the gc training ground.

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