Von Lethamyr

43 Gedanken zu „Rocket League, but the team that CONTROLS the zone WINS!“
  1. "I can show you the world, In my giant tornado, tires and de-bris are flying all around the entire map!"
    "A whole new mode, a dazzling map I never knew, but when I'm way up here It's crystal clear, I'll never get back to the ground with you!"

  2. Vid idea: sumo map but with a prank that consists of leth and his tm8 having slightly heavier and more powerful car so that they are harder to be knocked off while bumping the opponents is stronger. i would love to see jg7 getting pranked and see his reaction

  3. may be the unpopular opinion but classic sumo is more entertaining than boot sumo, not to sound ungrateful for the best rocket league content out there though <3

  4. Rocket league but your points= your max boost tank so you start with 0 boost as your max boost whean you score a goal you get 100 points so your max boost is 100 then another goal and 200 and so on and on and on

  5. hey leth you should make this map but with 4 teams of 2. I think that would be a very fun concept to do this with more and more people.

    P.S. I know this comment is a little late but I hope you get it.

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