My Support-A-Creator Code: LETHAMYR Apply the code it in the Rocket League store to support me! (top right of the store) Map: …
© Artikelquelle

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My Support-A-Creator Code: LETHAMYR Apply the code it in the Rocket League store to support me! (top right of the store) Map: …
© Artikelquelle
This map is even against the viewers. This was so frustrating to even watch!
This just seems annoying for the sake of being annoying.
The map is against everyone?
So a normal rocket league match then
That looked about as fun as passing a kidney stone 😀
Leth I hate to break this to you. But the jewel in the first match was in fact a d20 which is why the name was "D&D anyone"
To be a bigger troll, i would've gave winnet to the team with less death instead of more goals🤣🤣🤣
Is jg on the spectrum
Map: "D&D anyone?"
Ball turns into a D20
JG: "What is this, candy crush?"
Leth: "It's a jewel!"
Me: 😢
Its like jg was recorded 2 minutes behind the main storyline.
"Its a jewel!" To a d20.
I don't even play D&D and I know that that thing you keep calling a "jewel" is a D20 (20-sided dice)
Please update map so rverytime leth changes team u make him into a cone that contacts the map or something so he gets stuck and flips around or something to make him regret his decision
I spoiled my self seeing zurx stream replay and that seems to be hard and tilting playing in this map tho
Yoo. The Lethmobile!!!
JG7: What is this? This map.
Guh: Alright, next recording.
Zurks: everyone laughs Next.
JG7: Oh my god.
Guh: Thanks Cowboy.
Leth: Like, what are we even playing?
Omg, I had never heard all four of them not be excited to play more matches in RL. They straight out didn't want to😂
Also, I found this pretty funny:
JG7: Wait!!! Wait what is that?! Are you guys seeing this?!
Guh: What?
Leth: I'm not seeing anything.
JG7: There's literally a giant- it disappears It's gone. It was Cowboy's logo! Just literally massive!
Leth: Yeah. Is this your first time seeing it?
JG7: Yes!
Leth: everyone else laughing We've seen it like five times, what the heck are you talking about?
Guh: laughing Oh this man's delayed.
JG7: No way! You guys have seen it and didn't mention it.
Leth: We did. We did say was a giant in the middle of the room.
everyone teases and mocks JG7
Zurks: "The first victim of the troll bowl."
Guh: "What day is it?"
JG7: That's crazy that because I didn't see what you guys saw that I am apparently losing my mind.
Leth: I don't know what words you're saying. I don't know what you're saying.
JG7: Bro, everybody's dogging on me. That's crazy.
I love the content but this wasnt it lol, just too much happening hahaha
When the game plays you 🗿
They should make the gem ball a standard map ball type
Ya ya yyy ya
Somebody plz teach JG how to say literally lmao
Why they didn't try to get the ring on the cone?
The wavey grid outside the map makes me think of suspension bridges in an earthquake. Can you make a surface that moves like that?
Hear me out.
You're the ball. The ball is an octane. This would be insane lmao.
The new Knockout Mode is good in theory but not in application. What about a dodgeball mode? It's a 1 v 1 … Regular competitive map but the goals are blocked. Each player gets his own ball. The goal is to hit the opponent with your ball. If your ball hits the opponent, it either violently bumps them (like a ricochet in Twisted Metal 2 for Playstation 1) or demos then The walls and ceiling are loaded with "demo" pads. So, if you got your opponent with your ball, it bounces them to the walls which either demo them, or they recover to stay alive
Cowboy is the only man able to tilt Leth this much
Hey leth! What if you could demo the ball.
What is the tittle of the first video you show?
Leth, I dare you to one day sneak a "skeddit then" in the intro instead of the familiar "let's get into it".
Only in English would Troll Bowl rhyme lol
This is the best thing I’ve ever watched at 4am
Every time you guys use rumble it seems JG forgets how the magnet works 😂
Somebody needs to make a compilation of all the times JG was throwing by using the magnet the wrong way 😂
Leth gets so confused
Hey Leth, you should make a map where everyone has one rumble ability but has it for the whole game 😮
Hey guys, finally my Rocket League Montage 2022 is out! Have a look if you want and leave some feedback, i hope you like the music and the clips! have a nice day 🙂
Rocket League but you're tweak'n
Make rocket league dnd
Glad you guys too my suggestion! But did imagine the random things
Best quote of the vid:
JG: "The ball is just moving!!!!!!" 14:41
The sidemen gta hacker is back guys
What about a map where the floor moves like 0:08, would that be possible?
please leth… you don't need need to torture yourself for content!
Its a d20 bro lol, but it reminded me of bejeweled 🤣🤣
Cowboy is just cringey