Von Lethamyr

33 Gedanken zu „Rocket League, but the FIELD is now BLUE-SIDED“
  1. you should do a 2v2 game with spike rush, beach ball and beach ball curve physics, super fast max ball speed, and fast boost recharge. It makes for a really fun game and especially if you do it on pillars because the walls make a great way to make plays

  2. "I could not catch up"…"get some mustard" some top level entertainment right there, all it was missing was that drum sound they do in standup comedy. Danny (or whoever is editing now), you know what to do for the next video.

  3. I think I got a super cool yet super bad idea. Okay so it is like 1v1 vs 1v1 so two games ready at the same time but only one team 1v1s at a time. But the other side can just bump and demo but if they get a demo off it demos the guy on the team in the other game. Hopefully that made sense sorry if it did not.

  4. i feel like it doesnt matter what goal you "defend" on in the secondary rooms. Looks like its designed to just be, if blue dropped it down into oranges room, lets say the 3 pointer room — if blue scores in any goal it would be +3 and if orange scores in any goal its +0. I think its this way because of the description on steam workshop

    "Score after gaining the advantage to score points or cancel your opponents points by scoring after losing the advantage."
    Never says Score in opponents net, just says score after gaining or losing the advantage to score points or cancel points.

    SO BASICALLY you're both always trying to save and score in the secondary rooms. This way also sounds more fun, dont ya think?

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