Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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ok this isn't what i expected, good job
I love leth because he isn't loud like other YouTubers
Happy new year
Happy New year Leth and thx for All the years💜
This map would be insane if someone decided to combine this map with heat seeker. Crazy strategies combined with the ball having no idea what goal to lock onto
It would be so cool if the camera view changed once you got into a different gravity zone, and the controls turned the same as the ground.
It would give more of an impression of a mirrored effect.
Does the ball float if it goes in the middle?
Let the wife play
Imagine looking up and seeing 2 balls and 2 of you
Happy New Year’s
Rn is 5am waiting for the sunrise, and watching the videos I didn't watch help me stay awake, thanks leth
That intro will never get old
yooo happy new years hope you have a great one❤️ btw nice video mirrored map is crazy!
R. I. P. Betty white
The world will never be the same without you.
What if there was a map where there were two of one person but each version of them wouldn’t be allowed on the other side so they would have to control themselves from one side
Shoutout to Danny, he done some fire editing and game play this year kudos to you dawg. Thanks!
Can you do another marbel
i’m absolutely trashed but leth ilysm you are my everything
Happy new year leth!
I don’t know what was better. Swaggles yelling, or Leth’s reaction to it 😂
W video
Happy new year lethabyr
I wanted to see a 4 v 4 on this map
Happy new year!Leth,I want to be your friend in rocket league!
Now I am online on rocket league and I'm a big fan
you can try to make a side swipe map but it is 4d insted of 2d
i ment 3d
Can i add you on rocket league
I wish you a happy new year
I love your video’s so much I watch your video’s so much
& every single day have a great day
Should definitely get some pro freestylers on this to see what they can do
this hurts my eyes
Don't know if it's possible, but a really cool variation to this would be to keep the same position and number of goals, but have two players spawn on the "floor" and two spawn on the "ceiling" and have each group's camera adjusted so that they see upright. Then the line between where the gravity switches could be a boundary keeping the two groups separate while still trying to score as a team, or just do a 1v1v1v1 free-for-all.
Tldr: two mirrored fields of team 1v1
Now that’s big brain!! Cool!
Imagine 4v4 game mode where it is 2v2 on the ceiling and 2v2 on the floor. But the guys at the ceiling sees the game as they are on the floor. It would be so much fun to play.
Idea:rocket league but upside down
I wonder if the ball could get stuck perfectly between the two gravitational pulls
Much cool concentration needed here for the players. Super interesting. And that hitting the sidewall brings the ball tonthe floor and not up in the sky as normally, which's cool!