Von Lethamyr

21 Gedanken zu „Rocket League, but the FIELD IS FLIPPED“
  1. Bingo card time:

    Coconut shilling the Dominus.
    Guhberry saying, "I'm so confused."
    Lethamyr's goose laugh.
    Someone puts their face in it.
    "Unlimited flips are not on just so you know."
    "What is happening to my car?!"
    Zurx says, "Hey, man."
    JG7 teakettle wheeze laugh.
    Some goofy editing Shen-Dan-igans.
    Zurx makes some goofy sound effect.
    Rapid calls something cringe. (Bonus if it's "Peak Cringe")
    Someone (probably Guh) intentionally quits the match before time it up.
    "I can't read!"
    Coconut claiming a "Scamamyr" moment.
    JG7 screams "WHAAAAT?!" at least three times.
    Zurx whiffs an open net.
    Fortnite "Dance Moves" reference.
    "Looks like the better team won."

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